• Tag Archives: bailout

Back with a mandate

Υπουργικό συμβούλιο - Σεπτέμβριος 2015

Tsipras rewards loyalty in cabinet and seeks a way forward. The general election possibly sealed the end of the bailout vs anti-bailout debate in Greece, as anti-austerity parties received only 16% of the votes and are represented in the House with just 34 seats out of 300.

Krugman: If Tsipras accepts the dictates of the Troika, how is he different? [vid]

Πολ Κρούγκμαν - Paul Krugman

Nobel laureate economist, Paul Krugman, says nominal debt relief for Greece and an end to austerity policies is essential; but he admits it is practically impossible accurately to predict the risks of a return to a national currency.